Where does PLM101 fit in

Published Date
February 25, 2024
Last modified
February 26, 2024
Reading time
3 minutes

PLM101 is based on the principle that practitioners should possess both practical knowledgewhat to do, how to do, and theoretical knowledgewhy it works.

Hands-on experience drives practical knowledge (“applying“). But theory (“acquiring“) illuminates the why.

A practitioner’s relationship with their practice involves acquiring and applying it. Consider doctors and lawyers: doctors combine applying medical knowledge with ongoing study, and lawyers alternate between courtroom litigation and academic learning. Like them, PLM practitioners can grow through both applying and acquiring skills.

Applying and acquiring intertwine. At work, skills apply. While studying, insights arise. Two parts of one whole. However, the theoretical dimension of the field tends to be overlooked.

Tutorials vs Explanations

Documents come in two flavors: tutorials and explanations. Tutorials detail steps. Explanations unpack whys.

PLM101 exclusively falls under the explanatory category, with the hope of offering a comprehensive breakdown vital for practitioners acquiring craft skills.

In everyday practice, whether coding or navigating PLM system/tool intricacies, you would consult technical documentation for guidance on a specific topic. Then you put that skill to work. As soon as your work summons another unfamiliar concept, you loop back to consult tutorial for a new thing to grasp.

Yet, the true magic happens when away from the work, when you reflect on the practice and knowledge to understand the whole. PLM101 aims to be the reflective companion. Reflection, a process occurring after something is done and dependent on experience, transcends the immediate needs and unveils a deeper understanding, paving the way to mastery.

PLM101 offers principles, not formulas. Let’s be clear: there is no shortcut to bypass the skills and insights of tools & systems.

Sure, tutorials are handy when you are ready to perform specific tasks. Tutorials, how-to guides and vendor documentation offer step-by-step guidance – follow them in the right order and you are promised success.

Explanations, on the other hand, doesn’t contain steps to guide, but aids acquiring knowledge.

Why is explanation so crucial?

Explanation, akin to a lively discussion, considers alternatives, counter-examples, and diverse approaches.

Explanations foster knowledge through study, offering clarity, context, and a holistic perspective.

Explanations take a broader view. Not a user’s view like a tutorial. Nor close-ups like reference documentation. They makes sense to read separately from the product itself.

Explanations diverge from practice. No direct impact on work. Thus seemingly non-essential, but equally vital. Mastery requires understanding. Explanations cultivate this understanding. Without them, knowledge remains fragmented. Practice grows anxious.

Of course, the explanation has its challenges: unlike tutorials with clear goals, explanation can feel open-ended. But that’s part of its beauty – it encourages exploration and critical thinking.

In PLM101, the goal is to spark curiosity, not overwhelm with details. To engage us in a vibrant conversation that expands our understanding and invites us to ponder the myriad facets of our craft. To supplement hands-on learning through principled reflection. To deepen PLM mastery.

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